How is the BRRL Foundation Different from Friends of the Library?

Often, the Foundation and Friends of the Library are referred to interchangeably.  While we work closely, we are two separate non-profit organizations that support The Blue Ridge Regional Library in different ways.

The Friends of the Blue Ridge Regional Library is a grassroots membership organization that promotes our Library through well-organized advocacy efforts and raises money through book sales and other fundraising activities.

The Foundation acts as the “fundraising arm” of the Library.  If you want to donate to the Library, your gift goes to the Foundation.  We work with the Library to identify the best way donors gifts can enhance the Library and meet the community’s ever-changing needs.

Blue Ridge Regional Library Board

  • Margaret Caldwell, Interim President
  • Tonie McMillan, Interim Vice President
  • Rick Ward, BRRL Director

Board Members:

  • Ashley Hart
  • Stephanie Nalls
  • Hur Eli Marin Salgado
  • Marcus Stone

Attention Library Lovers! Interested in serving on one of our Boards?

The Blue Ridge Regional Library Foundation, Inc. is seeking new member/Directors.  We are a Virginia 501(c)(3) nonprofit whose purpose is to provide financial and other support to the public Blue Ridge Regional Library, exclusively for education and charitable purposes. We especially are seeking persons with experience in one of the following: marketing, boards, planning, foundations, or fundraising. We currently meet on the second Monday of each month at 3:00 p.m. at one of our system libraries. For more information, please see [email protected], and contact us at [email protected].